Two years ago while in Malvern for the spring flower show we visited a tree nursery in the area. (Ornamental Tree Nursery in Herefordshire, they also have a good collection of Acer palmatum).
After a long drive we arrived to what seemed a fairly modest establishmnet, only to be surprised by the size of the place, and the huge selection of trees. We spent the afternoon walking between the rows, as we came upon the perfect flowering cherry, in full flower.
In the following years the display was not nearly as spectacular. Probably because of the late frosts.
This year was different, April was mild, and it hardly rained. The tree was full of flowers for almost a month, starting white, then turning pink before blowing away in the wind.
While the flowers are the main feature, this tree also has redish new growth, good autumn colour and an elegant form in winter.
* The Japanese tradition of 'Hanami' or Flower viewing is centruries old, and almost always means viewing of cherry blossom or 'sakura'.