This means that we managed to complete Vi's garden at a leisurely pace, in preparation for our open garden in June.
The deck is comlete and the area between the deck and the border is covered in gravel over a layer of sand covered with weed suppressing fabric.
Most of the planting is also complete. The only major job left is completing the pergola over the deck.
Spring was generally warm and not too rainy so compared to previous years plants have put on good growth. The tips of the hostas are already showing and there are already buds on some of the roses. All acers are covered in beatiful spring leaves.
But the highlight in the garden in the last couple of weeks have been the tulips:
The tulips were planted quite late last year (early December), and because of the mild spring they started flowering earlier then previous year, and lasted longer.
I don't intend to dig up the tulips after flowering. They are planted quite deep and if we have a relativley dry summer I am hopefull they will come back next year.